My belongings are currently shoved into a 6'x12' storage unit. As I packed everything into boxes I asked myself these three questions:
1. Does this have a purpose (or can I give it a new one)?2. Does it have a designated home and space in my new apartment?3. Do I LOVE it?
If the answer wasn't "Yes, yes and YES!"...I...let...go. I spent weeks downsizing, tossing, reorganizing, and re-evaluating each item I owned. Move in day is Sunday, July 31st and I can't wait to open up those boxes and remind myself of those three questions once again. Does the item have purpose? Does it have a home? Do I love it? Purpose. Home. Love. Purpose. Home. Love.
Chelsea- what a great motto! I NEED to use this as currently all of our belongings are in the garage and in a trailer... in 9 short days we will be moving from our first home... what a time to downsize and re-organize! I love that you have started this blog- what an adventure! Best of luck!