Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Lovely Bedroom Palette

I'm going paint shopping tonight!  I want to make sure that each purchase fits soundly with my style statement and my personal decorating mantra.  I've been playing with paint colors all week and decided that it would be helpful to identify a mood, feel or palette for the room.  I love checking in with blogs like Simply Hue and Creature Comforts because they create palettes based on inspiring images.  I am am artist so I decided to find inspiration in art that reflects what I'm going for.  YES.  I love this. 

For the bedroom, I decided to go with a drawing by one of my favorite contemporary artists who I follow regularly over at Igor + Andre.  He did this drawing as part of a series on love.  It's lovely, sweet, dreamy and has the perfect palette for my new bedroom.  I want light, airy, and fresh with the occassional pop of soft color.

Here's what I concocted based on his piece:

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